Computer architectures : constructing the common ground / edited by Theodora Vardouli and Olga Touloumi. - 1 online resource. - Routledge research in design, technology .

"Computer Architectures is a collection of multidisciplinary historical works that unearth sites, concepts, and concerns that catalyzed the cross-contamination of computers and architecture in the mid-20th century. Actively constructing the common ground between design and computing, this collection addresses audiences working at the nexus of design, technology, and society, including historians and practitioners of design and architecture, science and technology scholars, and media studies scholars"--

9780429264306 0429264305 9780429554865 0429554869 9780429563805 0429563809 9780429559334 042955933X

Architectural design--Data processing.
Computer-aided design.
Architecture--Philosophy--History--20th century.


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